Our reality is based on our beliefs. This is true for our personal finances, too. The state of our financial affairs is a direct effect of a cause that preceded it, namely, the thoughts we held. Thoughts held for a length of time and with intensity become beliefs and there is a crystalization that occurs, creating a physical reality based on those beliefs. This is a rather simplification of how thought becomes reality.
When we realize how good we are at creating beliefs unconsciously, we start to understand how we can undo crystalized beliefs that no longer serve us and replace them with beliefs that do serve our greater purpose. If life is not working out for you, if you're not getting the results you desire, take time to question what beliefs you hold. What do you believe? What do you CHOOSE to believe? What stories are you holding onto and are they serving your purpose?
Janey was a mother of three and believed she had to stay in an unhealthy relationship. Her belief was not based on any moral obligation, but one simply of financial need. She stayed because of the fear that if she became a single mom of three, she would be poor. She was not supporting herself financially now and could not see any way of supporting herself outside of the relationship. She stayed out of fear and put her own soul needs on the back burner. This is a costly mistake many women make.
She had a sociology student friend tell her that women with kids suffer greatly after divorce. Statistically speaking, men fare better financially post-divorce. Whether this is true or not to you reading right now, is not in question. What is important is in the effect this belief had on Janey and the choices she made in her life. After all, she respected this friend's wisdom. She unconsciously chose to believe this statistic as truth. She held this story. For a long, long time.
But it IS true, you say? Is it? Is it absolutely true that women suffer financially post-divorce? Is it possible that not ALL women suffer financially? If the possibility exists that some women who are single moms do fine financially following a relationship breakdown, why wouldn't it be possible for Janey to be one of those statistics?
We have to ask ourselves what we believe about the world and then determine if holding that belief is serving us. Is the belief allowing you to move closer to your goal in life? Closer to our natural spiritual state of abundance, peace and beauty? In Janey's case, to continue to believe the story of "single moms are poor", it didn't serve her at all.
If we choose to believe that universal story - and it's also just a story - that "anything is possible", why do we continue to hold onto other stories that hold us back from our fulfillment?
If you're feeling stuck in your finances, chances are pretty good there is some story stuck in your belief system that is keeping you there. Our beliefs direct our lives. Beliefs are nothing more than thoughts that have been activated repetitively so as to become crystalized in us. For the most part, we do this unconsciously. When we become aware of our ability to influence our reality based on the thoughts we think, a new reality is born.
It's a process and a new way of thinking for those of us coming to understand finances from a spiritual standpoint. There is no wrong way to travel this journey. Janey found out the courageous way that single moms do not have to live in poverty. She left the unhealthy relationship. She did experience poverty - because that is what she believed at the time. Through this period of hardship, she realized she needed to drastically change her beliefs if she was going to rock this life of hers, and she did. She questioned her beliefs and determined if they were serving her purpose. If they didn't, she chose to think differently. Those thoughts eventually crystalized into beliefs that served her and she was free.